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Terms of Reference for Regional Contact Points


In two previous programme periods (2007-2013 and 2014-2020) the use of Regional Contact Points has proven to be a useful and effective body for communicating the objectives of the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme at a regional and local level. With a vast programme area, it is vital to have regional representation to assist with the implementation of the programme.
The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2021-2027 aims to build on previous experiences and to use Regional Contact Points in the future awareness raising process, and for ensuring local and regional participation in the implementation of projects


The Regional Contact Points will be working at grass roots level and in close connection with potential project partners in the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme area.

The main responsibility is to facilitate the project generation process in respective regions, including raising awareness about funding opportunities with the programme, as well as promoting the benefits of NPA cooperation at local level.

The Regional Contact Points will also arrange networking activities among project partners within their respective regions and ensure that Regional Advisory Groups appraisal process for main applications is undertaken. In addition, the RCPs are responsible for the regional appraisal process of preparatory projects. In the performance of its task, the RCP will make use of the programme visual identity and comply with the visibility and communication requirements described in the guidance provided by the Joint Secretariat.

1. Networking and dissemination, assisting the JS to promote the programme:

  • Connect with a relevant base of stakeholders such as potential project beneficiaries and end-users’ organisations who could directly benefit from project outputs and results, thus including policy makers.

  • The RCP is required to organize one or more annual networking events in their region for NPA project partners and/ or potential project partners in future NPA projects.

  • Participate in a minimum of one Regional Contact - Joint Secretariat meeting per year.

  • When requested the RCP is required to assist the Joint Secretariat in arranging partner search meetings or thematic meetings in their respective regions.

  • When required the RCP is to assist the Joint Secretariat in promoting and/or arranging an Annual Conference or Lead Partner Seminar in their respective regions.

  • The RCP is required to promote through appropriate media channels the project approval decisions of the Monitoring Committee.

  • The RCP is responsible for regularly producing (as a minimum twice per year in connection with call for proposals and project results) programme information with the purpose of targeting stakeholders in the respective regions. The RCPs are envisaged to play an important role in raising awareness and promoting the results of the programme. It is up to the individual RCP how best to do this, e.g. through a publication, by showcasing results at thematic events, or exhibitions, etc. In this process, the RCP is expected to liaise with the EU Regio National Communication Coordinator, in charge of coordinating information about the opportunities and benefits of EU funds in each country/region, or any other relevant platform used by the national government to communicate about EU funding.

2. Project generation:

  • Act as the Regional Contact Point for new project applicants that are developing projects of a transnational character building on the features and objectives of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme.

  • Act as the main advisory body to idea holders before the ideas have been given a transnational dimension, and become a preparatory project to develop a main project, a preparatory project for capacity building in Priority 3, a clustering project or an approved main project.

  • The RCP is required to maintain regular communication with the Joint Secretariat as well as all other RCPs in order to ensure that ideas from each region are disseminated to other regions within the programme area.

  • The RCP is the regional primary contact concerning information on national eligibility legislation.

3. Project appraisal process:

  • Assist the Joint Secretariat in the assessment process of all preparatory project applications by ensuring complete regional feedback on project ideas.

  • Organise an in person or remote Regional Advisory Group (RAG) meetings in connection with the appraisal process of all main applications.

  • Act as the Reporting secretary at the RAG meeting, or ensure that a secretary is being appointed, and submit project appraisals to the Joint Secretariat within the required time limits provided by the Joint Secretariat.

  • Although all RAGs perform the same basic duties, local variations on practical arrangements are acceptable

  • Assist the Joint Secretariat in the assessment of project partners where there may exist issues of State Aid.

4. Other:

  • Assist the Joint Secretariat in arranging Monitoring Committee meetings when they are being held in their respective region, if not the National representative should appoint another resource.

  • The Regional Contact Points are eligible to use their funding to participate on Monitoring Committee meetings when required or attendance requested.


Draft and submit annual activity reports when claiming funding from the NPA 2021-2027, including the short description of RAG activities. (Annexes 1 and 2)

The RCP is required to send a signed electronic activity report (PDF) to the Joint Secretariat. The Secretariat will review the years activities and issue the RCP with a signed checklist of acceptance (PDF) which should then be attached to the RCP invoice and sent directly to the Managing Authority (see instructions for invoicing (Annex 2)

Electronic Activity reports should be submitted to
The RCP is requested to note in their report if they have not been able to perform agreed tasks.


For the period 2023-2028 each RCP should have met the following targets:

  • Arrange a minimum of 1 annual regional networking event per year; in total, 7 regional networking events in the programme period. In agreement with the Joint Secretariat it may be possible to not hold a meeting if i.e. two are held the next year.

  • Organise RAG meetings in connection with the appraisal processes of main applications, approximately two per year in the years 2023-2028.

  • Submit to the Joint Secretariat project appraisals from the Regional Advisory Groups meetings in keeping with the proposed Joint Secretariat time frame.

  • Participate in the appraisal process of preparatory applications, approximately 2 per year in the years 2023-2028.

  • Participate in a total of 7 Regional Contact Point / Joint Secretariat meetings.

  • Assist in arranging approximately one Lead Partner seminar and/or one Annual conference.

  • Assist in arranging a maximum of one Monitoring Committee meeting.

  • Claim funds from Technical Assistance budget once a year, including submission of yearly activity reports.

  • Note: To fulfil the conditions for the lump sum payment, Regional Contact points, that for some reason are not able to carry out all mandatory tasks on a yearly basis can in well- justified cases be exempted from one or more tasks, by obtaining prior agreement from the Joint Secretariat in writing

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